29 Marine Street, Redland Bay
If its storage you need, you might have found it here - in addition to the 3 bedroom home there is plenty of shed space and undercover storage. Offering:
- 3 Bedrooms (2 built in)
- Updated bathroom and new toilet
- Large tiled combined living and dining with AC
- Kitchen has brand new stove
- Separate laundry
- Fresh paint and new blinds
- Fully screened
- Large undercover outdoor area/room at rear
- Undercover carport behind lockable gates
- Huge fenced yard with side access via separate driveway
- Demountable powered shed with two separate rooms for storage or workshop
- Fenced pen for chooks!
- 16 panels SOLAR POWER to save on electricity costs
Located in a super quiet cul de sac and just minutes walk to Redland Bay shops and waterfront. Pets considered on application. Available NOW.